Monday, 29 June 2009

Labor Gras

Class: improv.

Location:labor gras,kroenzberg


Early on a monday morning, my first day off since the cross currents lab...which happens to also be my second last day in Germany. I wake up early to go catch an improv class. I get there late. I got lost. The class kicks off, and its already too nice. 

My body finds itself between exercises, looking at anatomical places between my spine...and the small toe. The class specifically focuses on the muscles covering the back of the body....from the ankle till just below the buttocks and then from the lower back muscles till the place where the spine inserts into the skull. 

The entire class in fact, focuses on that. And the front of the body is kept soft. I found it exciting cause you focus more on your extensions using the 'backside of your body' as a friend of mine would say.  hadn't taken a proper contemporary class in a while, I thought I'd be lost. But amazingly, the teacher guided our every step.....his voice felt like a thought at the back of your mind. 

This class was a typical classic contemporary class of note. We did basic floor for warm-up, then we did centre work and then moving work....and a combination. I just hadn`t done a class like that in a fact I hadn`t done a class for the last two weeks. 

I`d definitely give this class a thumbs fact that studio is too dope for words. If you are in the Kroenzberg area or Berlin in general and you are looking for classes get down to that studio. It won`t be the easiest place to find but it`s worth it.

If you are taking the train...take the U-bahn...U7....till Hermannplatz...which is a station before...I forgot what the station name`s after Hermannplatz.

studio: Paul-Lincke-ufer 44a

D-10999 Berlin

tel: +49(0)30-695.051.83

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