Wednesday 13 February 2013

Hakama-hakama-hakama...desu ne!

Hakama ne!

I am sooo excited about wearing this thing it is weird. The happiness has enveloped me. I think I like dress up...dressing up in a yukata and an obi and now a hakama. Whilst no one has taught me to tie it, I think I haven't done a bad job, but I am trying to get it right each time I put it on.

I did realise that there is a booty bump at the back that is apart of it. I am an Afrikan woman and I am gifted in that area so it is always tricky putting on traditional Japanese garb because you are supposed to look flat with no curves...and I have been favoured in those areas.

Please let me know what you think...or even if you have info on reducing the booty bump let me know.

I am trying to find a combination that works for me...this are my choices:

The black formal

The booty bump
The purple

The purple

The blue
The blue

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