Saturday, 7 February 2015

Dancing to a different beat

I haven't posted in a while. I am sure the two people following this know it.
We all have a lot we do in life. Somethings are senseless. Some we do because of necessity. And others we just factory in cause we are scared to do nothing in life.

I have been doing a lot of things in my life that are not necessary. I have always balanced this with a rigorous bout of something creative. As you can imagine...this leaves me tired and feeling a little overused.

I do confess that all the other things on the side that I have always done have been about keeping me alive. In my earlier posts I have written about how a certain country keeps me alive and others do not. Environments we live in can either help us become better people by creating a bottle effect around us...and we emerge like butterflies taking a breath into new life.
Other environments can stifle you, make you feel flat and worthless in the end.
I personally choose to live in an environment that lets you spread your wings when you have been cocooned for some time. The results are more rewarding.

My cocoon stage began when I came back from Japan the first time and included a greats with  my family. I chose to live with my family when I came back in the hopes of reconnecting with them and building relationships. My reasons were basic: I would probably decide to jet off and live somewhere else for a long while while I build a family and my life's work. I was blessed to find that most of my family was still alive and that I could make connections with family that had even passed away.
My ancestors and current family gave me a stable environment for becoming a more universal being. This really made the phrase "on Earth as it is in Heaven". Celestial bodies are a reflection of who we are...who we have been and reflect those that have passed and still follow us in spirit.

When we free ourselves in the grandest ways...grand things happen to us. This is my greatest experiment on Earth. I want to keep growing. I think there is no sense to living if we don't learn and aspire to be the best human beings we can be. This is also a great saying from the Buddha which confirmed that my dreams at 13 to become Buddhist were correct.

I have decided that I need to retire at a young age...meaning I would like to be working on my own functional business at a young age and doing nothing else but finding peace, love and happiness on my downtime.

I am almost there.
I also want to be in a place that would allow growth...specifically in my heart chakra. My heart chakra has been open since I was 12(maybe younger) because of how we live in Johannesburg. We try to shield our children from danger and hurt by telling them to love less, to be a little less happy and in general not to shine as much as they should. 

I am sick of that. So I  decided to move locations for now. My beautiful Johannesburg has been my bottle filled with smog. It has served well as a place to find where my spirit belongs....where my wings should be battering away...showed me how much I can dampen my light before I can feel like all life has been sucked away.

I have moved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Bonolo. I mean it when I said you have layer upon layer of depth. I'll check out more of you blog and look forward to getting you know you more and more. You feel like a kindered spirit to me and I'm glad your journey has landed you in a place where I could notice a being such as you. Shine on! - tim